Have your say about community venues for hire
Share your views to help us develop a Venues for Hire Policy that aligns with community values and expectations
The City of Stonnington operates community facilities that serve as spaces for not-for-profit community groups, commercial entities, and individuals to meet, connect and engage in a range of activities and programs.
Many of our community facilities are also available to the public as venues for hire. To ensure we are taking a best practice approach to hiring out our community facilities we are developing a Venues for Hire Policy and want your help.
With community input the Venues for Hire Policy will be:
- contemporary
- best practice for the management of venues for hire
- consistent with relevant laws and legislation,
- aligned to values outlined in key Stonnington policies, plans and action plans.

Get involved
Share your ideas and expectations around the use of community facilities as venue for hire.
By Friday 1 September, visit our Connect Stonnington engagement hub and:
- complete a short online survey,
- sign up to a focus group discussion.
Share your ideas and help us make how our venues are used better.
To make your views count, complete the survey by 1 September 2023.